The Downside of Being a Banker
Bankers at the top of their game enjoy rewards most people
can only dream of, but if you're thinking of joining the profession, it's worth
considering the potential downsides, as well as the ups. Once you've mulled
over the possible disadvantages of becoming a banker, you may decide that money
isn't everything.
Long Hours
If you want to keep regular office hours and have plenty of
spare time to spend with your friends and family, a career in banking probably
won't be for you. Investment bankers typically work in excess of 40 hours a
week, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some first-year bankers can
expect to put in 100-plus hours every seven days, while those in their second
year average around 80, according to a February 2012 study by a researcher from
the University of Southern California published in "Administrative Science
Quarterly." The BLS advises that many bankers work weekends, evenings and
public holidays. Some workers in the profession, especially those at the
beginning of their careers, are regularly asked to "pull
all-nighters," Alexandra Michel, an assistant management professor at
USC's Marshall School of Business, discovered. Working in banking involves long
hours and can lead to stress-related disorders.
With the long hours comes no small amount of stress.
Investment bankers deal with huge sums of money and are expected to keep on
turning a profit. Every one of the approximately two dozen entry-level bankers
Michel observed over the first decade of their careers developed a
stress-related condition. Some wound up with alcoholism, heart palpitations,
insomnia, eating disorders or temper issues. John Chrin, a former managing
director at J.P. Morgan Chase, told "The Wall Street Journal" he saw
a junior staff member gain 30 or 40 pounds after just a couple of years on the
Becoming a banker may do a lot for your bank balance, but
won't do much for your street cred. Whether or not investment bankers were to
blame for the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing recession, people don't much
like them. An August 2012 Gallup poll found that just 6 percent of respondents
felt very positively about the banking sector, while 22 percent felt very
negatively. Although bankers have never been among the country's most-adored
professional groups, 15 percent of respondents felt very positively about them
when the same survey was conducted in 2006.
Tighter Regulations
The post-2008 backlash against bankers has brought calls for
tighter regulation of the industry and controls on the bonus culture that some
feel contributed to the credit crunch. In February 2013, the European Union
proposed capping bank bonuses at a year's salary. Even if U.S. policy makers
fail to tighten domestic banking regulations, the country's employees working
in other parts of the world could find themselves taking a hit if foreign
governments decide to clamp down on pay and bonuses.
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